Saturday, February 28, 2009


About 150-200 people attended the Washington Tea Party yesterday.  The highlight of the event for me was when we chanted "End the Fed!"  I never thought I'd hear that from such a large group of people. 

It was a bit of a mixed bag of protesters, with some being primarily anti-Obama, some simply calling for fiscal responsibility, and some of us protesting the outright theft of our wealth and the speeding descent into socialism.  I think there were also some NRA types and others who weren't really on-point.  I suppose that happens at all protests.  There were 2 "celebrities" in attendance that I was aware of: Michelle Malkin, and Joe the Plumber, who apparently works for Pajamas TV now. 

I never found the time to make any signs, so we basically just added our bodies to the crowd.  We had a great time and met up with some friends but I wasn't prepared to talk to the media or really do anything constructive.  I was with a friend talking to a reporter from The Economist when I saw Sam playing and just walked away to see what she was doing.

Adam and I were very involved in the Chicago protest over the fate of Elian Gonzalez (supporting his right to remain in the U.S.).  We spent a couple of weeks preparing for it, raised money, made tons of signs, alerted the press, and at the protest, talked to many passers-by and handed out leaflets.  I felt really good about that protest.  This one, not so much.  I think it happened too fast.  But I think there are other related events coming up so I hope to do more next time.

Adam took a little video when he saw this great poster:


And I found this video, which has more substance, and Michelle Malkin:

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