Monday, February 9, 2009

Autism-Vaccine Non-Connection Update

Here is a great summary of the studies done on the connection between vaccines and autism:

Vaccines and Autism: A Tale of Shifting Hypotheses

And here is a report that the doctor who started the whole concern fixed the data in his original study:

MMR Doctor Andrew Wakefield Fixed Data on Autism

As you can tell, I feel very strongly about this issue.


  1. Charlie actually got his MMR shot today. The decision wasn't too hard to make because it is too much of a health risk for him not to have it, but what is difficult is to sift through all of the contradictory information. Thanks so much for posting these links!

  2. I'm right there with you. I can't understand how anyone can be against vaccination as such. But there are people like that. As for me and mine, we follow Jenner. :-)

  3. PP - this was one case where I was actually able to read about the studies and see clearly that the claim of a connection was not warranted. However, there are so many issues in science where I just can't figure out what to think. I really need a good science news source, if anybody can recommend one.

  4. ScienceDaily and SciTech Daily look pretty good but I don't know if I could keep from going crazy reading them regularly.
