Tuesday, February 24, 2009

National Chicago Tea Party

In case you've been living under a rock for the past week (or taking care of sick children) you've probably heard of Rick Santelli's rant on CNBC regarding the bailout plans.  I wasn't really that impressed with anything he said, but I did like his passion.  His mention of having a "Chicago Tea Party" struck a chord with many people, and now there are plans to have simultaneous demonstrations across the country this Friday, February 27, protesting all of the bailouts and "stimulus" spending.  This blog is not about politics or economics so I won't be writing much about this.  I think most of my readers can guess my opinion on this matter.  I did want to provide some links, though, to anyone who hasn't heard about this and might be interested.

This is a grassroots effort - the message is not always clear and information is sketchy.  Consent of the Governed has a pretty good summary with links.  I think this is the official web site, but you don't learn much there.  This site seems to have a good list of locations where there will be demonstrations.

Adam, Samantha, and I will attend the protest here in DC, which will be held at the Washington Monument at noon.  I plan to put together some talking points for myself by then, but I also hope some kind of real action of protest, along the lines of dumping tea, is brewing (pun intended.)  I'm afraid that a mixed-up, poorly attended event will be skewered in the media and might do more harm than good, but the situation is getting so frightening that I welcome the opportunity to take some kind of action.

Are there any suggestions for doing something more than showing up?  Or have you seen a good idea floating around?

1 comment:

  1. I am part of an informal group in Springfield, MO that has grown into Young Conservatives. We are having a Tea Party event at Lake Springfield noon-1pm, people have been asked to bring tea bags (which will be sent to Washington and hopefully dumped on the floor of the Senate) and to wear Red (in honor of our conservative values and to show support for the military) ... I think some people will be bringing signs, there may be a banner and some may even dress in Colonial garb just in case Washington misses the connection between this and the Boston Tea Party. Vincent David Jericho of KSFG has more information: http://www.ksgf.com/TeaParty/tabid/6175/Default.aspx
