Monday, January 12, 2009

What I Found Behind the Dishwasher

Another interesting find in my new home:

Trash Behind Dishwasher

This is the space right next to my dishwasher.  I was cleaning the cabinets near it when I saw this mess.  There is a grape, some wadded up paper, plastic wrapping of some sort, and the glass, which is not a drinking glass, but a lamp shade for the ceiling fan light fixture in our breakfast area.  We can't get the lamp shade out - it doesn't fit!  Adam and I have been debating about how it got there.  It must have arrived there sometime between the time they installed the horrible tile floor and the time they installed the dishwasher.  Adam thinks somebody put it there as some kind of joke.  I think they must have installed the ceiling fan at the same time they installed the dishwasher, and it just rolled there.  But in my theory, the lamp shade would have had to roll all the way around a peninsula.   Unless it was on the kitchen counter and fell off and rolled in there.  I could think about this for days.


  1. When we moved into our house, I had a cleaning fit like no other. I pulled out the washer and dryer to clean behind them and found...a dirty diaper. Ugh!

    Now I know there aren't any dirty diapers, but there could be any number of socks and small items behind them now.

    Enjoy the fun of the unknown!

    On a side note, one of the odd things about buying a house in Connecticut (in my opinion--I'm not very experienced) was that the houses were often listed WITHOUT appliances! You could buy a house, but not the washer and dryer, or stove, refridgerator, or dishwasher quite frequently.

  2. Kim - Oh, no - that's too gross! I have yet to go behind the fridge so we'll see what that might bring. I'm still a bit scared of our laundry room.

    Every state is so different. Here in Virginia, they list properties without stating the square footage. It's very hard to compare homes when you don't know. You have to go visit them to have any idea how big they are. I think there might have been a lawsuit, so realtors just decided to stop making any claims at all, but that's just a guess.

    I've also purchased homes in California, Illinois, and Michigan. Virginia was definitely the biggest pain, although in Illinois we had to have a realtor AND a lawyer AND a title company to sell our condo. In all states, most homes normally had appliances unless it was a foreclosure or something. I know that people used to drag their appliances around with them when they moved, but I thought the reason people stopped was that the prices of those items had come down so much, it wasn't worth the expense of moving them. I can't see why it would be any different in CT.

  3. Maybe that's where all my single socks go to hang out. Thanks for the idea, Kim - three days too late!

  4. Maybe that's where all my single socks go to hang out. Thanks for the idea, Kim - three days too late!
