Sunday, January 18, 2009


I've been letting Samantha type on my keyboard lately.  She is able to find quite a few letters, naming them and typing them.  ("Y" is so passé - "W" is now the hot letter.)  She loves it when I hold her finger and help her type her name, and the names of the rest of the family, as we do with pen and paper sometimes also.  She's found some of the punctuation, too, and today she named the period, BABY CIRCLE.


  1. Very cute! Typing letters was my daughter's obsession for a long time, from about the same age. I'd open up a blank Word document and just let her explore. Her fascination with letters was just the beginning of her reading journey. It's interesting your daughter enjoys this activity, too. (My son never went through such a phase, which is also interesting to me--kids are very different.)

  2. Does she sound letters or name them? e.g. does "Y" say "waa-ee" (well kinda) or does it say "yer". We did the latter with our son when he got interested in letters, and he enjoyed it. Within no time, he was reading things like "kuh" "air" "tuh" , ... cat!

  3. Jenn and OD: Sam is definitely a verbal/reader type. She does make some letter sounds, but mostly she just names them right now. We're just starting to sound things out occasionally when we read to her, but she also has the LeapFrog toy - it's a fridge magnet with all the letters and you put a letter into a slot and it sings a little song with the letter's name and the sound(s) it makes. It's a cool toy, but the sound quality is pretty bad. Still, she's learned from it.
