Friday, March 13, 2009


Yesterday, while Samantha and I were leaving day care, we were in the lobby with a mom with 2 kids, about 5 and 1 years old, probably.  The kids were getting their packages of crackers from the bowl they keep in the lobby.  The other mom was distracted, talking to the receptionist, but when she turned around and saw that her older child had picked out only one package of crackers she said, "You didn't get one for your sister!  Get one for your sister right now!  Remember what we said about being selfish."

Today Samantha had a play date with our next door neighbor and her daughter.  C.'s mom encouraged C. to use polite language, share, and take turns.  She used phrases like, "What's a nice thing to say when somebody gives you something?" and, "When you want to play with somebody else's toy, you can ask them."  

Just an observation. No further comment necessary.

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