Tuesday, August 4, 2009

New Objectivist Parenting Mailing List

I'm excited to report that Rational Jenn and Diana Hsiehhave teamed up to create a new Objectivist mailing list:  OGrownups.  Here is a description of the group, taken from Jenn's announcement:
OGrownups is an informal mailing list for Objectivists interested in raising and educating children well. Its basic purpose is to facilitate discussion amongst Objectivists about child development, discipline techniques, education methods, parenting resources, and more.

Any Objectivist interested in polite and practical discussion about raising and educating children rationally may join OGrownups -- parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, teachers, caregivers, and friends. Anyone considering parenthood is also welcome.

The group is inclusive in regard to parenting - even if you are just interested in the subject, you are welcome to join.  But it is exclusive in regard to Objectivism.  Please read the criteria for membership carefully before joining.

I've already joined and I'm looking forward to seeing how the group develops.  Both Diana and Jenn have already done much to help build the Objectivist intellectual network, and if you read my blog, you already know that I'm a big fan of Jenn's writing on parenting.   This should be good!


  1. I too am interested in seeing how it develops. I'm hoping that it attracts a wide variety of parents who are Objectivists so we can have some thoughtful discussions.

  2. I know you didn't mean to write this...

    "Please read the criteria for memebership carefully before joining."

    ...but "memebership" is a funny word that probably should actually exist in the context of the Intertubes. Though I wonder what the precise definition should be. Perhaps "memebership - elite group status gained by posting a meme on your blog or Facebook page, or re-Tweeting a pithy phrase from a celebrity."

  3. Ha! Good one, C. I always typo that word.
