Thursday, December 4, 2008

Reading List

The absence of an imminent move has made me feel ambitious again.  For close to 2 years, I've told myself, "no, not now," to so many of the values I want to pursue.  I was afraid it would become a habit, but the moment we moved I felt a weight lifting and an excitement brewing.

I thought my to do list was long before, but now it's growing like mad.  The difference is that the things on my list now will advance my life instead of just maintaining it.

One thing that's going back on my list is a big project called getting a Western Civ education.  I have temporary but open-ended custody of the Great Books of the Western World series (thanks, Stace!).  I started reading straight from the ten year plan about ten years ago, but dropped it...well, when we moved from Chicago to New Orleans.  Three things have inspired me to start up again:  1) I heard an interview with this guy on NPR and he talked about St. Johns College where they have a Great Books program, 2) We unpacked our series and put it back up on our bookshelves, and 3) I ran across this reading challenge and thought that I can finally get organized about reading again too.

Let life begin again!


  1. [...] started the Ten Years of Reading in the Great Books of the Western World series.  I found my notes from 2002, and I had read the [...]

  2. [...] still (somewhat) determined to keep going with my Great Books project.  I’m stuck on Augustine, though.  I think I’ll have to modify my plan to allow me to skip [...]
