Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Home Improvement Update

The new dishwasher will be installed today, and a new water heater tomorrow.  (We can't get the tankless kind in our townhouse, and I'm not so sure we would have wanted one anyway, after I learned more about it.)  I really kicked butt getting those things done.  The painting is going well, too.  We're just having the main level of the house painted by a professional, plus the upstairs hallway.  We'll do the rest ourselves.  As expensive and difficult as the painting is, it sure does have a huge impact on the feel of the whole house.  I think it's going to be fantastic!  I'll have pictures soon.

Sammy's new room is painted and she is sleeping in it now, but on an air mattress.  We haven't yet had time to get to a store to buy her full-sized mattress.  Really, I just can't get to the store.  But I did figure out the closet situation and bought a kit.  Now we just need to install it and move all of her stuff from her old closet in.  Luckily, she loves her new room!  I just hope she doesn't get upset when we replace the air mattress with her real bed.

It's chaos here.  And if you've read my blog regularly, you know how I feel about chaos.  I'm certainly stressed and on-edge, but I'm handling it a lot better than I thought I would.  I hope I can keep it up for another week or so, until the worst is behind us.

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