Monday, June 1, 2009

And Even More TV

It looks like Samantha has come down with a cold.  Either that, or she broke her nose.  We went to the local water park on Saturday (which was awesome) and she fell (which was not awesome), scraping up her forehead, eyebrow, nose, and shin.  I didn't see the actual fall, so I don't know how hard she hit, and now she has a runny nose and a fever.  Her nose looked a tiny bit swollen so Adam was concerned and did some research and, wouldn't you know it, the symptoms of a broken nose are similar to these cold symptoms.  I hate this part of parenting.  Do I take her to the doctor?  I hesitate because it seems to cost a hundred dollars each time we go (yes, we have "insurance") and doctors are useless drug-pushers anyway. 

On top of that, the dog is sick.  He's been puking occasionally for over a week.  Should I take him to the vet?  Same analysis, except the cost is usually double.  Sorry, Toby, you're on your own.

Adam is the home-diagnosis-home-remedy guy in the family and he left for a business trip this morning.  I really, really hate this.  Anyway, I may have a lot of time for blogging, or I might have none.  But either way, this is one time that I'm thankful for TV.


  1. Oh no! I hate that feeling of not knowing if you should take someone to the doc. We have similar "insurance" issues. FWIW, Ryan cracked his nose a few years ago and it swelled up right away. Within a day or two, he had a really nasty bruise on the bridge of his nose and under his eyes. If Sam gets bruises like that, I bet she damaged her nose. With Ryan, we chose not to put him through xrays since the treatment would have been the same either way (do nothing, check back in 2 weeks). It was obviously a minor fracture, if any.

    And yes, we make liberal use of TV when people (including me!) are sick. :o)

  2. Thanks, Jenn. Your comment actually gives me a little more peace of mind since Sam is showing no real signs of pain, it hasn't gotten worse, and there is no bruising. Sorry Ryan had to go through that and hope M. is doing ok!

  3. Ouch!

    We have a cat that gets sick and eats stuff he shouldn't all the time. As long as Tobi's able to keep some food down and having bowel movements he's probably fine. (At least that's what our vet always says.)
