Sunday, April 19, 2009


Today is my one-year anniversary as a blogger.  In a coincidence that satisfies my craving for round numbers, this is also my 400th post. 

Even though I've always loved to write, I was never good at keeping a journal.  Blogging is much more fun.  I love organizing my thoughts into short essays, finding ways to make them fun, and sharing Sam's development with family and friends. 

Happy Birthday, The Little Things!


  1. Happy Blogiversary! I'm glad you decided to start your blog. I also find blogging more rewarding than keeping a journal. Never kept up with a journal too much. Maybe because it's quicker to type? Maybe because I'm a closet extrovert? Haven't decided yet....

    Here's to many more bloggy years! :o)

  2. Congratulations! I generally despise the mommy-blog genre, but I'm a subscriber of yours. One thing that always strikes me about this whole blogging thing is how lucky our children are going to be. I barely know my parents and I have very few relics of my childhood. Our kids, on the other hand, are going to know what we think on a variety of topics, what we thought of them at every stage of their lives, and see themselves in every imaginable situation—not just the posed pictures of my childhood. (Our blog goes back to when we were 6 weeks pregnant! We failed to even notice our 6th blogiversary.)

    It just boggles my mind.

  3. Bill, why do you despise the mommy-blog genre? Is it the constant, "I'm doing a job that nobody could possibly understand and it's so hard and don't you feel sorry for me?" attitude?

    I hate that when I read it in magazine articles, but I love dooce, for instance, who is constantly complaining. I really did get some comfort from her, and it's not just the was her relentless detailing of the details of everyday life, even if done in a negative way, that I didn't get from anywhere else, and it made me realize that it was all normal. I didn't have friends to help me with that.

  4. detailing, Amy.

  5. Dooce irritates me very much, yes. I think she came off as whining to me. Plus, the bathroom obsessions got to be a little much for me.

    I can definitely see the appeal for stay-at-home mothers, though. I'm just not a part of that demographic. My wife certainly appreciates the adult interactions that the Internet affords and is an avid consumer (though not of Dooce).

    In general, I bore easily of the adulation and awe that mommy bloggers have for their kids. I honestly just don't care about other people's kids. And yes, I know that I am married to a mommy blogger. I can never tire of reading about my children. :-)

  6. Bill, I'm really surprised you read my blog at all, then. I feel like I'm so self-indulgent, writing about Sam so much. So, thanks! Glad you like it enough to stay tuned. :)

  7. wow! happy anniversary!
    love the blog!
    i'm your demographic but i hate momblogs. i only read jenn, and you.
    i think you're great because [to continue the un-dooce theme] you raise your nose out of the diaper bag so often, you know?
    you get the big picture.

  8. Thanks, Catherine. Funny, I thought I was trying to keep my eye on the little things, but in a way, that IS the big picture, huh?

  9. Congratulations Amy! Your blog is one of the highlights of my blog reading. I look forward to 100 more of your posts!
