Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Alternative Lifestyles

As I've mentioned before, my parents are full-time RVers.  They sold their house about five years ago and they travel around the country (and beyond) at will.  Sometimes they take jobs.  Three years ago they spent the winter working at Disneyworld, which they loved.  This fall/winter, they are working for Amazon.com, helping with the seasonal rush.

They just sent me a link to an article in USA Today which characterizes these seasonal workers as desperate - just more evidence of the terrible economy, with the implicit message that SOMETHING SHOULD BE DONE ABOUT THIS!  But my parents claim that the vast majority of the workers at their RV camp in Campbellsville, Kentucky, are not in dire financial condition.  Their observations are anecdotal, but so are those of the journalist.

My parents actually are there for the money - they're saving up for a trip to Europe.  But, as they also point out, "many of us wanted to experience work as a change of pace.  After all, our lifestyle is a continuous vacation."

Desperate?  Not.

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