Saturday, May 3, 2008

The Future Looks Bright

If you want something to take care of, something that is totally dependent on you, stick with animals, not human beings.  I'm talking to all of you more experienced parents who say things like: 

  • Enjoy her now - pretty soon she'll be eating food and won't need you to nurse her.

  • Enjoy her now - pretty soon she'll be crawling and getting into everything.

  • Enjoy her now - pretty soon she'll be walking and you'll have to chase her all over the place.

  • Enjoy her now - pretty soon she'll be potty trained and you'll have to convince her to use the bathroom before you go out.  It's so much easier to change a diaper.

  • Enjoy her now - pretty soon she'll be pestering you with "why" a thousand times a day.

  • Enjoy her now - pretty soon she'll be a teenager with a mind of her own.

  • Enjoy her now - pretty soon she'll be dating.

  • Enjoy her now - pretty soon she'll be off to college.

I do enjoy Sam now.  And since the day she was born I've enjoyed her more now than I did yesterday.  I am 100% confident that this will not change tomorrow.  Guiding my daughter towards independence is what I signed up for in the first place.


  1. Hi, I just wandered into your blog while browsing and this was great! I enjoy my kids now too...even when I get overwhelmed by them, I still think they're precious.

  2. Thanks for my first comment ever, Kathy!
