The plastic just screws onto the switch plate and there is a hole for the switch. When you pull down on the plastic, it pulls down the switch. You can buy a set of two from For Small Hands. We put one in her bathroom and one here in the hall. She already has a floor switch in her room and she can reach the switch in the main floor powder room with her stool. Now she can reach just about every light she needs in the house.
We also have her closet organized at her height:
This part of her closet has no door. It looks sloppy, but she can get to all of her clothes easily. Pajamas and underwear are in the baskets on the floor. Dresses and sweaters are hanging. Pants and shirts are in the wire bins. Pillows and blankets go on the shelf above the hanging garments. Of course, she has her own laundry basket which is on the other side of the closet to avoid confusion. And yes, she does use it.
(Her closet is indeed half-yellow and half-white. We hope to remedy this next month when we get the house painted.)
Soon, I'll have a report on how we're doing with getting her to dress herself. We've had her closet set up this way for a long time, but it will mean a lot more once she is a fully independent dresser.
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