Sunday, March 1, 2009

Big Things

Here's a humorous reminder not to take the big things for granted either. 

(Hat tip to Scribbit who chose my favorite line, too.)


  1. He is very funny. Thanks for the pointer.

  2. You know, I got this from a cousin who said "Pretty funny and true" to which I replied:

    "I disagree. Some funny moments, but I think lots of people are happy and I don't think a passenger is a "non-contributing zero"."

    I also didn't like the statement that this is a "crappy generation". Interesting how different people's preferred humor can be. I've seen the people he's teasing, but I've so enjoyed the multitude that don't fit and do appreciate both big and small.

  3. Rachel, I'm not so sure it's a crappy generation either, but if you know more people that appreciate these things than don't, and more happy than dissatisfied people, well you've got some good friends!

    I think this clip was hilarious because I know there are people who have no sense of history, no idea about the Industrial Revolution, and sometimes, I'm one of those people thinking about the hassles and problems and forgetting how amazing everything is.

    Except when I fly. I never, ever take that for granted.

  4. Amy, thanks for the comment :) I do have good friends, but I was taking it more personally. I was talking about the clip with my husband last night too who took the whole clip as a positive, pointing out the greatness of our world.

    I have no context for who this guy is or what is going on, but the title including "nobody's happy" and the approach of coupling insults as a form of comedy just doesn't resonate as something positive with me. I'll happily agree that appreciating the joys of our world takes effort and this comedian points out some excellent areas where that is often lacking.

    I think the enjoyment issue in this case is well within the realm of personal preference. Thanks again for bringing my attention back to this and helping me clarify my response.

  5. We should all be thankfull for this. ,
