Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Modern Medicine, Lots of Laundry, and Relaxing with the Remote

Three Good Things for the day:

  1. Thank you, RotaTeq, the Rotavirus vaccine, for saving Samantha (and me!) from the experience of diarrhea and vomiting until this week, when she had it from antibiotics. 

  2. I am capable of taking care of a child who is spewing foul-smelling stuff from both ends.  Seriously, I didn't know I had it in me!

  3. I caught up a bit on my TV watching today.  I really enjoy American Idol, but I have to fast-forward the parts where they make fun of the bad singers.  I only started watching the show two seasons ago because, when I watched a bit of the first season, I was turned off by all of that and avoided the show for years.  I didn't realize that was just a small part of the show.  I like rooting for the singers I like, I like the singing itself, and I like the excitement of the competition. 


  1. Hey Amy,
    Try Florastor for the diarrhea from antibiotics. It comes in a kids kind and adult type. It's $20 for the box for kids and well worth it.
    We got it at rite-aid, behind the counter. Ask the pharmacy. You don't need a scrip.

  2. Thanks, Aki. I didn't know that probiotics could work quickly enough to help with countering the effects of antibiotics. I'll try it next time.
