- Changed 5 diapers (Adam did one this morning)
- Clipped 20 fingernails
- Showered, dressed, put on make-up and jewelry (!)
- Received a huge grocery delivery and put it all (well, most) away
- Eaten a salisbury steak frozen meal for breakfast
- Looked up a recipe for salisbury steak (it's gotta be better homemade, right?)
- Administered 4 bottle feedings
- Spoon-fed 2 baby-food feedings
- Given 2 sponge baths
- Changed 2 baby outfits
- Packed up and labeled a box for return to Amazon, and put it in my trunk
- Opened a new box from Amazon and put the supplies away
- Reconciled my bank account and credit card statement
- Put away baby laundry that had been sitting on the floor in a hamper for the past week
- Written this blog post
Plans for the rest of the day include:
- At least one load of laundry
- Unload dishwasher
- Load dishwasher
- Make new batch of formula
- Lunch for me
- Sam school pick-up (with babies in-tow)
- Find some way (that doesn't involve TV) to entertain Sam for the whole, long afternoon while we are stuck in the house with the babies
- Bath for Sam (I can drag that out for an hour, I hope)
- Putting Stuff Away
- Folding 5 loads of laundry
- Cooking dinner (salmon and long-cooked broccoli tonight, I think--HT: Diana Hsieh)
- 5 more bottle-feedings (Adam will do one tonight)
- 3-4 more diaper changes (Adam will do one or two tonight)
- Watching more of this week's American Idol, maybe even getting through the results show
- If I'm feeling ambitious, starting my taxes
If it is a normal day, I'll make at least 25 round trips up and down the stairs. (I counted once.) That's the only part I'd change.
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