We'll be testing a couple of new pieces of technology on this trip. First, my iPad. I usually just rely on my phone and Adam's laptop. I haven't figured out too many uses for the iPad yet, but I think travel will be a good one. I'm downloading my first movie as I write this - Tinker Bell - something for Sam to watch on the train.
Also, we bought one of these travel vests for Sam:
It's a vest that a child can wear and strap in using a regular seat belt, instead of using a car seat. I don't see any other way to take taxis in New York with a child. It's not possible to lug a car seat around all day just in case you take that 5 minute cab ride back to the hotel when you're too lazy to take the subway. This vest is small enough to put in a backpack, and it's supposed to be pretty effective for safety. It will certainly be safer than what we did last time: putting an arm across Sam to keep her from sliding off the seat where she sat, unbuckled, untethered, and squirming like crazy. The big question about the vest is: will she wear it? I'll report back next week.
If this trip is half as good as our last trip to New York with Sam, it will be a fine time, indeed.
I *definitely* want to see your review of this product. We're looking to hit a big city with lots of cabs soon and want to know if it's worth buying.