Thursday, December 3, 2009

Not Really in the Spirit Tonight

It feels dishonest to even try to find Three Good Things today.  It sucked.  This day really sucked.

  1. Since I'm sick now, we're still in watching-TV-mode, so I did get to watch an episode of So You Think You Can Dance with Sammy.  I do love that show, I suppose.  Sammy liked one of the male dancers.   That was cute.

  2. I don't have to cook dinner.  Of course, the reason I'm not cooking is that the asparagus went bad and then Adam called at the last second saying he forgot to leave work and will be late getting home.  He can figure out how to feed Sammy, because I'm done.  I had leftover pizza for breakfast and lunch, so why not make it 3 for 3?  But, at least, I don't have to cook.  And I'm not washing dishes, either!

  3. Adam is taking the insane little ball of tantrum we call a daughter to Parents' Night at school, so I'll be free of both of them soon.  If I'm lucky, it will be quiet for an hour or so.

I guess that was a mostly backhanded Three Good Things, but it's the best I can do.


  1. Just wanted to offer my virtual sympathy vibes.... The time going up to and moving away from age 3.5 was our hands-down absolute worst, most challenging time with Ryan (to date, of course). He went from adorable and smart and fun to screaming and challenging and angry and testy. It was so bewildering--where did my awesome great kid go? I used to go into his room when he was asleep to look at him and remember those warm-Mommy feelings...because I was often unable to feel them during the day time. :o( Morgan was a baby and I'm sure that didn't help.

    Is it temperament or the fact he's the first kid? I don't know. Morgan had a 3.5 "thing" too, but nothing like Ryan. Got two more years until the next one blows....

    Anyway, hope you get to relax and feel better and have a glass of wine (or two). Things really do improve, if that's any consolation!

  2. Is it any consolation that you made me laugh?

    I'm not laughing at your unhappiness, only that I've felt the EXACT SAME WAY in the past. Really, #2 was my favorite. That Adam forgot to leave work is perfect. Sometimes the very reason we love them runs very closely with the reason we'd like to throttle them. Over the years, that's what Stephen's convinced me of anyway.

    Sending a virtual pink lady to you now. And yes. Leftover pizza is perfectly appropriate for all three meals some days.

  3. Thanks, Jenn & Lynne. Both of your comments did indeed cheer me up. If I hadn't been sick I might have had that drink around 1pm, when I had to haul S into the shower,strip off both of our clothes, and then hose her down like a dog. I left the mess in the shower for Adam to clean up and he did, so he is forgiven for being the absentminded professor. And I had soup and candy for dinner!

    Can a 3-year-old have colic? 3 hrs of crying 3 times a day for 3 days straIght? Well, substitute screaming for crying and then she's close.
